Legal Framework
References of sea turtle-related legal instruments in Contracting Parties:
citInternational instruments of Contracting Parties (.pdf)
citSummary of national laws in Contracting Parties (.pdf)

The Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy at Stetson University College of Law assisted the IAC Secretariat with a research project on the national legislation of the Parties to the Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles.

Argentina (.pdf files):
citLey Provincial 12.558 citResolución OPDS 86/2010 citDecreto Reglamentario Nacional 666/1997
citDecreto Reglamentario Nacional 748/1999 (Ley 24.922) citLey Nacional 22.344 citLey Nacional 23.918 CMS
citLey Nacional 22.421 citLey Nacional 23.919 citLey Nacional 24.922
citResolución CFP 03/2001 citResolución SAyDS  513/2007 citResolución SAyDS 1055/2013
citLey Provincial 3379 citLey Nacional 24.375 CDB citLey Nacional 24.543 CONVEMAR
citLey Nacional 25.335 RAMSAR citLey Nacional 26.600 CIT   

Belize (.pdf files):
citEnvironmental Protection
(Amendment) Act, 2009
citEnvironmental Protection Act
citEnvironmental Protection Act
citLand Utilization Act (Subsidiary) citLand Utilization Act citNational Lands Act
citNational Lands Act citStatutory Instrument No. 66
of 2002, Section 13 of the Fisheries
Act, Chapter 210, Substantive Laws
of Belize
citFisheries Act Chapter 210

Brazil (.pdf files):
citCONAMA, Resolucao 000010,
Law No.6.93-81 and decreate No.
citDecreto No 49.215, de 7 de
Dezembro de 2004
citFederal Regulation, Portaria
IBAMA No 784, 28 May 1990
citIBAMA, Federal Law of
Environmental Crimes 9605
citIBAMA, Federal Regulation, Portaria
citInstrucao Normativa Conjunta
No 1 & No 2, de 27 de Maio de
citInstrucao Normativa Conjunta
No 1, de 27 de Maio de 2011
citInstrucao Normativa Interministerial
No 11, de 5 de Julho de 2012
citInstrucao Normativa
No 003, de 26 de Maio
de 2003
citInstrucao Normativa No 166, de 18
de Julho de 2007
citPortaria IBAMA 45-N, Abril 1992
citPortaria IBAMA 001535,
August 1995
citPortaria ICMBio No 135, de
23 de Dezembro de 2010
citPortaria No 1.522, de 19 de
Dezembro de 1989
citBrazil - State Law No. 7034,
February 1997 – BA

Caribbean Netherlands (.pdf files):
citDecree (P.B. 1992, No. 108) (DUTCH) citFisheries Act BES (DUTCH) citIsland Fishery Ordinance of Curacao (A.B. 2007, no. 117) (DUTCH)
citIsland Fishery Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1996, no. 01) (DUTCH) citIsland Fishery Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1996, no. 01) (ENGLISH) citIsland Marine Environment Ordinance of Bonaire (A.B. 2001, no. 13) (DUTCH)
citIsland Marine Environment Ordinance of Bonaire (A.B. 2001, no. 13) (ENGLISH) citIsland Marine Environment Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1987, no. 10) (DUTCH) citIsland Marine Environment Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1987, no. 10) (ENGLISH)
citIsland Marine Environment Ordinance of St. Eustatius (A.B. 1996, no. 3) (DUTCH) citIsland Marine Environment Ordinance of St. Eustatius (A.B. 1996, no. 3) (ENGLISH) citIsland Nature Conservation Ordinance of St. Maarten (A.B. 2003, no. 25) (DUTCH)
citIsland Nature Conservation Ordinance of St. Maarten (A.B. 2003, no. 25) (ENGLISH) citNational Fishery Ordinance (P.B. 1991, no. 74) (DUTCH) citNational Nature Conservation Ordinance (P.B. 1998, No. 49) and changed as per P.B. 2001, No. 41 (DUTCH)
citNational Nature Conservation Ordinance (P.B. 1998, No. 49) and changed as per P.B. 2001, No. 41 (ENGLISH) citNature Conservation Framework Act BES (DUTCH) citReef Management Ordinance of Curacao (A.B. 1976, no. 48) AND Island Decree (A.B. 1998, no. 8) (DUTCH)

Chile (.pdf files):
cit2005, Exempt Decreto
No 135 of the Ministry of Economy,
Development and Reconstruction
2007, Exempt Decreto No 434
of the Ministry of Economy, Development
and Reconstruction
citGeneral Fishing and
Aquiculture Act
citLey 20.657, Modifica la Ley
General de Pesca y Acuicultura
citModifica Decreto
Exento No225 de 1995, del Ministerio
de Economia, Fomento y Reconstruccion

Costa Rica (.pdf files):
citBiodiversity Law (Law No. 7788, April 30, 1998) citDecision of the Constitutional Chamber, File No. 12-010016-0007-CO, October 8, 2013 citDecree No. 35530-MINAET of
August 27, 2009
citDecree No. 36452-MINAET of March 3, 2011 citDecree No. 36812-MINAET of January 16, 2012 citDecree No. 36918-MINAET
of February 7, 2012
citExecutive Decree No. 28203-MINAE-MAG citForestry Law (Law No. 7575, February 13, 1996) citLaw 8436, Law of Fisheries and
Aquaculture (published in La Gaceta)
citLaw 8436, Law of Fisheries and Aquaculture citLaw of the Creation of National Park Services (Law No. 6084, August 24, 1977) citLaw of the Creation of the Costa Rica
Fisheries and Aquaculture Institute
(INCOPESCA) (Law No. 7384, March 16,1994)
citLaw of the Creation of the National Coast Guard Service No. 8000 cit Law of the Maritime Terrestrial Zone (Law No. 6043, March 2, 1977) citLegislative Decree No. 9106 of
December 20, 2012, Amendments and Additions to the Wildlife Conservation Act, Reforms Act No. 7317, October 30, 1992
citOrganic Law of the Environment (Law No. 7554, October 4, 1995) citPolitical Constitution citReglamento a la Ley de Conservacion
de la Vida Silvestre No. 32633
citSea Turtle Law_No. 8325 citSoil Use, Management, and Conservation Law (Law No. 7779, April 30, 1998) citWildlife Conservation Law (Law No. 7317, October 30, 1992)

Ecuador (.pdf files):
citAcuerdo 047 citAcuerdo Ministerial No. 019 (Reforma al Acuerdo No. 426-A) citAcuerdo Ministerial No. 020 del 23 de febrero 2012
citAcuerdo Ministerial No. 023 - Plan Nacional del Dorado citAcuerdo Ministerial No. 070 del 2011 citAcuerdo Ministerial No. 425 del 05 de octubre del 2012
citCodigo Penal citConstitucion citDecree No. 3198_Fisheries Law Regulations
citDecreto Ejecutivo 3045 del 2002 citLey de Gestion Ambiental citLey Forestal y de Conservacion de Areas Naturales y Vida Silvestre
citLey No. 3 - Ley que protege la biodiversidad citLey Organica de Regimen Especial para la Conservacion y Desarrollo Sustentable de la Provincia de Galapagos citPlan de Manejo de la Reserva Marina de Galapagos
citPlan de Manejo del Parque Nacional Galapagos - Un Pacto por la Conservacion y Desarrollo Sustentable del Archipielago citPoliticas Nacionales Oceanicas (Registro Oficial No. 383) citPoliticas Nacionales Oceanicas
citRes. MAATE-SPN-2021-003 - Agenda of sea turtle research priorities in Ecuador´s Mainland Coast (Spanish) citRes.MAAE-SPN-2021-001 - Action Plan for Sea Turtle Conservation in Ecuador 2020-2039 (Spanish)

Guatemala (.pdf files):
citFisheries Law, Decree 80-2002 citGeneral Hunting Law, Decree 36-04 citGovernmental Agreement No. 84-2007
citLaw of Protected Areas, Congressional Decree 4-89 citGuatemala - Ministerial Agreement 46-2005 citReglamento de la Ley General de Pesca y Acuicultura, Acuerdo Gubernativo No. 223-2005
citQuota extension - Resolution 01-21-2017 citSea Turtle Management Regulations - Resolution 03-17-2017 cit

Honduras (.pdf files):
citAgreement No. 380-05 (Ministerial
Agreement from July 29, 2005)
citDecree No. 106_2015_Fisheries Law citFisheries Law, Decree 154-59
citForestry Law, Decree 85-71 citGeneral Law of the Environment Decree
citLaw of Public Ministry Legislative
Decree 228-93
citLaw of the Municipalities, Decree
citNational System of Protected Areas
(SINAP) Presidential Agreement

Mexico (.pdf files):
citAcuerdo sobre vedas de pesca citAcuerdo sobre la actualización de la Carta Nacional Pesquera DOF 3/15/04 citAcuerdo sobre la actualización de la Carta Nacional Pesquera DOF 8/25/06
citAcuerdo sobre la actualización de la Carta Nacional Pesquera DOF 8/24/12 citNorma Oficial Mexicana NOM-001-SAG/PESC-2013 citNorma Oficial Mexicana NOM-002-SAG/PESC-2013
citNorma Oficial Mexicana NOM-022-SAG/PESC-2015 citNorma Oficial Mexicana NOM-023-SAG/PESC-2014 citAcuerdo por el que se establce una Zona de Refugio Pesquero
citRegulation NOM-029-PESC-2006         

Panama (.pdf files):
citPanama - Decree No. 16 of May 7th, 1999 citPanama - Decree No. 23 of 1967 citPanama - Decree No. 43 of July 7th, 2004
citPanama - Decree No. 82 of April 1st, 2005 citPanama - Decree No. 104 of 1974 citPanama - Dupwala Resolution No. 8 of November 2006
citPanama - Law 5 of January 28th, 2005 citPanama - Law 8_2008__Approval of IAC citPanama - Law 18 of May 31st, 2007
citPanama - Law 24 of June 7th, 1995 citPanama - Law 41 of July 1st, 1998 citPanama - Law 44 of November 23rd, 2006
citPanama - Political Constitution (Articles 116 and 117) citPanama - Political Constitution (Articles 116 and 117) citPanama - Resolution N° DM-0031-2017_Action Plan
citPanama - Resolution AG-0095-2009 citPanama - Resolution AG-0139-2009 citPanama - Resolution AG-ANAM-0051-2008
citPanama - Resolution No. 002-80 citPanama - Resolution No. 092 of August 12th, 2010 citPanama - Resuelto ARAP No. 01 of January 29th, 2008
citPanama - Resuelto ARAP No. 003 of November 18th, 2009    

Peru (.pdf files):
citDecreto Supremo No. 014-2001-AG Forestry and Wildlife Law Regulation citLaw No. 27308 - Forestry and Wildlife Law (Diario Oficial) citLaw No. 27308 - Forestry and Wildlife Law
citLey No. 26839 (Diario Oficial) citLey No. 26857 (Diario Oficial) citLey No. 26857
citMinisterial Resolution No. 103-95-PE citSupreme Decree No. 016-2007-PRODUCE citSupreme Decree No. 024-2009-MINAM
citSupreme Decree No. 026-2001-PE citSupreme Decree No. 034-2004-AG citResolution Nº 253-2019-MINAGRI-SERFOR-DE (Spanish only)

United States (.pdf files):
citEndangered Species Act citMagnuson-Stevens Fishery Management and Conservation Act citMarine Turtle Conservation Act of 2004
citNational Environmental Policy Act    

Uruguay (.pdf files):
citDecreto No. 144-998 citDecreto No. 164-996 citRec. 10-10 CICAA
citDecreto No. 514-001 citLey Nacional No. 9.481 citRec. 10-09 CICAA

Venezuela (.pdf files):
citCoastal Zone Law (G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.349 of 19-12-2001) citConstitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (G.O.R.B.V. No. 5.453 Extraordinary on 24-03-2000) citDecree No. 1.485, G.O.R.V. No. 36.059 of 11-09-1996
citDecree No. 1.486, G.O.R.V. No. 36.062 of 11-09-1996) citDecree No. 5.930, G.O.R.B.V. No. 5.877 del 14 de Marzo de 2008 citFisheries and Aquiculture Law (G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.727 of 08-07-2003) (REPEALED)
citLaw of Biological Diversity (G.O.R.B.V. No. 5.468 Extraordinary on 24-05-2000) (REPEALED) citLaw of Management of Biodiversity (G.O.R.B.V. No. 39.070 del 1 de Diciembre de 2008) citLey Organica de los Espacios Acuaticos (Gaceta Oficial Extraordinaria No. 5.890, 31 de julio de 2008) (repealed G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.330)
citOrganic Law of Aquatic and Insular Spaces (G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.330 on 22-11-2001) (REPEALED) citOrganic Law of the Environment, G.O.R.V. No. 18-06-1976 (1976 Version) citOrganic Law of the Environment, G.O.R.V. No. 18-06-1976 (2006 Version)
citPenal Law of the Environment (G.O.R.V. No. 4.358 Extraordinary on 03-01-1992) (Gaceta Oficial) citPenal Law of the Environment (G.O.R.V. No. 4.358 Extraordinary on 03-01-1992) citResolucion del Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente, mediante la cual se rige el Comite Nacional RAMSAR, N0. 0000049
citResolucion del Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente, No. 0000043-A citWildlife Protection Law, G.O.R.V. No. 29.289 on 11-08-1970  

The IAC Secretariat Pro Tempore greatly appreciates the support provided by Stetson University students and faculty.
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