References of sea turtle-related legal instruments in Contracting Parties:
International instruments of Contracting Parties (.pdf)
Summary of national laws in Contracting Parties (.pdf)
The Institute for Biodiversity Law and Policy at Stetson University College of Law assisted the IAC Secretariat with a research project on the national legislation of the Parties to the Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles.
Argentina (.pdf files):
Belize (.pdf files):
Brazil (.pdf files):
CONAMA, Resolucao 000010,
Law No.6.93-81 and decreate No.
| Decreto No 49.215, de 7 de
Dezembro de 2004
| Federal Regulation, Portaria
IBAMA No 784, 28 May 1990
IBAMA, Federal Law of
Environmental Crimes 9605
| IBAMA, Federal Regulation, Portaria
| Instrucao Normativa Conjunta
No 1 & No 2, de 27 de Maio de
Instrucao Normativa Conjunta
No 1, de 27 de Maio de 2011
| Instrucao Normativa Interministerial
No 11, de 5 de Julho de 2012
| Instrucao Normativa
No 003, de 26 de Maio
de 2003
Instrucao Normativa No 166, de 18
de Julho de 2007
| Portaria IBAMA 45-N, Abril 1992
| Portaria IBAMA 001535,
August 1995
Portaria ICMBio No 135, de
23 de Dezembro de 2010
| Portaria No 1.522, de 19 de
Dezembro de 1989
| Brazil - State Law No. 7034,
February 1997 – BA |
Caribbean Netherlands (.pdf files):
Decree (P.B. 1992, No. 108) (DUTCH) |
Fisheries Act BES (DUTCH) |
Island Fishery Ordinance of Curacao (A.B. 2007, no. 117) (DUTCH) |
Island Fishery Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1996, no. 01) (DUTCH) |
Island Fishery Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1996, no. 01) (ENGLISH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of Bonaire (A.B. 2001, no. 13) (DUTCH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of Bonaire (A.B. 2001, no. 13) (ENGLISH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1987, no. 10) (DUTCH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1987, no. 10) (ENGLISH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of St. Eustatius (A.B. 1996, no. 3) (DUTCH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of St. Eustatius (A.B. 1996, no. 3) (ENGLISH) |
Island Nature Conservation Ordinance of St. Maarten (A.B. 2003, no. 25) (DUTCH) |
Island Nature Conservation Ordinance of St. Maarten (A.B. 2003, no. 25) (ENGLISH) |
National Fishery Ordinance (P.B. 1991, no. 74) (DUTCH) |
National Nature Conservation Ordinance (P.B. 1998, No. 49) and changed as per P.B. 2001, No. 41 (DUTCH) |
National Nature Conservation Ordinance (P.B. 1998, No. 49) and changed as per P.B. 2001, No. 41 (ENGLISH) |
Nature Conservation Framework Act BES (DUTCH) |
Reef Management Ordinance of Curacao (A.B. 1976, no. 48) AND Island Decree (A.B. 1998, no. 8) (DUTCH) |
Chile (.pdf files):
Costa Rica (.pdf files):
Biodiversity Law (Law No. 7788, April 30, 1998) |
Decision of the Constitutional Chamber, File No. 12-010016-0007-CO, October 8, 2013 |
Decree No. 35530-MINAET of
August 27, 2009 |
Decree No. 36452-MINAET of March 3, 2011 |
Decree No. 36812-MINAET of January 16, 2012 |
Decree No. 36918-MINAET
of February 7, 2012 |
Executive Decree No. 28203-MINAE-MAG |
Forestry Law (Law No. 7575, February 13, 1996) |
Law 8436, Law of Fisheries and
Aquaculture (published in La Gaceta) |
Law 8436, Law of Fisheries and Aquaculture |
Law of the Creation of National Park Services (Law No. 6084, August 24, 1977) |
Law of the Creation of the Costa Rica
Fisheries and Aquaculture Institute
(INCOPESCA) (Law No. 7384, March 16,1994) |
Law of the Creation of the National Coast Guard Service No. 8000 |
Law of the Maritime Terrestrial Zone (Law No. 6043, March 2, 1977) |
Legislative Decree No. 9106 of
December 20, 2012, Amendments and Additions to the Wildlife Conservation Act, Reforms Act No. 7317, October 30, 1992 |
Organic Law of the Environment (Law No. 7554, October 4, 1995) |
Political Constitution |
Reglamento a la Ley de Conservacion
de la Vida Silvestre No. 32633 |
Sea Turtle Law_No. 8325 |
Soil Use, Management, and Conservation Law (Law No. 7779, April 30, 1998) |
Wildlife Conservation Law (Law No. 7317, October 30, 1992) |
Ecuador (.pdf files):
Guatemala (.pdf files):
Honduras (.pdf files):
Mexico (.pdf files):
Panama (.pdf files):
Panama - Decree No. 16 of May 7th, 1999 |
Panama - Decree No. 23 of 1967 |
Panama - Decree No. 43 of July 7th, 2004 |
Panama - Decree No. 82 of April 1st, 2005 |
Panama - Decree No. 104 of 1974 |
Panama - Dupwala Resolution No. 8 of November 2006 |
Panama - Law 5 of January 28th, 2005 |
Panama - Law 8_2008__Approval of IAC |
Panama - Law 18 of May 31st, 2007 |
Panama - Law 24 of June 7th, 1995 |
Panama - Law 41 of July 1st, 1998 |
Panama - Law 44 of November 23rd, 2006 |
Panama - Political Constitution (Articles 116 and 117) |
Panama - Political Constitution (Articles 116 and 117) |
Panama - Resolution N° DM-0031-2017_Action Plan |
Panama - Resolution AG-0095-2009 |
Panama - Resolution AG-0139-2009 |
Panama - Resolution AG-ANAM-0051-2008 |
Panama - Resolution No. 002-80 |
Panama - Resolution No. 092 of August 12th, 2010 |
Panama - Resuelto ARAP No. 01 of January 29th, 2008 |
Panama - Resuelto ARAP No. 003 of November 18th, 2009 |
Peru (.pdf files):
United States (.pdf files):
Uruguay (.pdf files):
Venezuela (.pdf files):
Coastal Zone Law (G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.349 of 19-12-2001) |
Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (G.O.R.B.V. No. 5.453 Extraordinary on 24-03-2000) |
Decree No. 1.485, G.O.R.V. No. 36.059 of 11-09-1996 |
Decree No. 1.486, G.O.R.V. No. 36.062 of 11-09-1996) |
Decree No. 5.930, G.O.R.B.V. No. 5.877 del 14 de Marzo de 2008 |
Fisheries and Aquiculture Law (G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.727 of 08-07-2003) (REPEALED) |
Law of Biological Diversity (G.O.R.B.V. No. 5.468 Extraordinary on 24-05-2000) (REPEALED) |
Law of Management of Biodiversity (G.O.R.B.V. No. 39.070 del 1 de Diciembre de 2008) |
Ley Organica de los Espacios Acuaticos (Gaceta Oficial Extraordinaria No. 5.890, 31 de julio de 2008) (repealed G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.330) |
Organic Law of Aquatic and Insular Spaces (G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.330 on 22-11-2001) (REPEALED) |
Organic Law of the Environment, G.O.R.V. No. 18-06-1976 (1976 Version) |
Organic Law of the Environment, G.O.R.V. No. 18-06-1976 (2006 Version) |
Penal Law of the Environment (G.O.R.V. No. 4.358 Extraordinary on 03-01-1992) (Gaceta Oficial) |
Penal Law of the Environment (G.O.R.V. No. 4.358 Extraordinary on 03-01-1992) |
Resolucion del Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente, mediante la cual se rige el Comite Nacional RAMSAR, N0. 0000049 |
Resolucion del Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente, No. 0000043-A |
Wildlife Protection Law, G.O.R.V. No. 29.289 on 11-08-1970 |
The IAC Secretariat Pro Tempore greatly appreciates the support provided by Stetson University students and faculty.