Technical Documents of the IAC
CIT-CC8-2011-Tec.1 : Conservation status and habitat use of sea turtles in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (.pdf).
CIT-CC8-2011-Tec.2: Manual of Management Techniques for Sea Turtle Conservation at Nesting Beaches (145MB) (.pdf)
CITCIT-CCE5-2012-Tec.3 : Eastern Pacific Leatherback Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea): a Summary of Current Conservation Status, Challenges and Opportunities (.pdf).
CITCIT-CCE5-2012-Tec.4 : Guidelines for Preparing Sea Turtle Action Plans for IAC Party Countries (.pdf).
CITCIT-CC10-2013-Tec.5 : Selecting Index Nesting Beaches in the IAC Region and Data Collection Guidelines (.pdf).
CITCIT-CC10-2013-Tec.6 : Wetlands of International Importance and Sea Turtle Conservation (.pdf).
CITCIT-CC11-2014-Tec.7 : IAC Index nesting beach data analysis (2009-2013) (.pdf).
CITCIT-CC11-2014-Tec.8 : Best practices for Sea Turtles incidentally caught (.pdf).
CIT-CCE7-2014-Tec.9 : Concept Note on the Importance of Sargassum and the Sargasso Sea for Atlantic Sea Turtles.
CITCIT-CC12-2015-Tec.10 : Reducing Climate Change Impacts on Nesting Beaches (.pdf).
CITCIT-CC12-2015-Tec.11 : Marine Debris and Sea Turtles (.pdf).
CIT-CC13-2016-Tec.12 : Characterization of sea turtle strandings information in the IAC region (.pdf).
CITCIT-CC13-2016-Tec.13 : Status of Loggerhead Turtles Within Nations of the IAC (.pdf).
CITCIT-CC15-2018-Tec.14 : IAC Index Nesting Beach Data Analysis (2009-2018) (.pdf).
CITCIT-CC15-2018-Tec.15 : Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) Nesting Trends in the Eastern Pacific Ocean: Status Update and Conservation Priorities (.pdf).
CITCIT-CC17-2020-Tec.16 : Critical Areas for the Conservation of the Northwest Atlantic Leatherback Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) (.pdf).
CITCIT-CC17-2020-Tec.17 : Northwest Atlantic Leatherback Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea): A Summary of Current Conservation Status, Challenges, and Opportunities.(.pdf)
CITCIT-CC18-2021-Tec.18 : Best Practices for Monitoring of Sand Temperature in Nesting Beaches (.pdf)
CITCIT-CC18-2021-Tec.19 : Data analysis of IAC Index Nesting Beaches (2009-2020) (.pdf)
CIT-CCE16-2023-Tec.20 : Areas Used by the Northwest Atlantic Leatherback Turtle Population (Dermochelys coriacea) and Recommendations to Leatherback Conservation in these Areas. (.pdf).
CIT-CC20-2023-Tec.21 : Status of the Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) within Nations of the IAC (.pdf).
CIT-CC20-2023.Tec.22 : Data analysis of IAC Index Nesting Beaches (2009-2023) (.pdf).
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