December 2010
The IAC PT Secretary will participate in the 4th Meeting of the Western Hemisphere Migratory Species Initiative (WHMSI 4) from December 6-9 in Coral Gables, Florida as a member of their steering committee. The draft agenda is available

November 2010
The 2nd meeting on stan- dardizing reports on sea turtle data will be held from November 18-20, 2010 in Guayaquil, Ecua- dor. Its objectives are to decide on how to evaluate key population parameters and define the basic infor- mation necessary to fo- llow-up on obligations made by countries in the Region under the frame- work of international con- ventions related to sea turtle conservation. The Chair of the IAC Scientific Committee will be parti- cipating along with the de- legates of this Committee from Ecuador and Costa Rica. This event is spon- sored by CPPS, the Smith- sonian Institute, Conser- vation International and the IAC. This meeting will help strengthen coope- rative efforts among the different participating orga- nizations as well as to develop activities under the MOU between the IAC and CPPS.

July 2010
The registration for the VII Scientific Committee Meeting
on September 1-3, 2010, in Panama, Panama, is now open.

June 2010
PT Secretariat will participate in the Kobe II Bycatch Workshop from June 23-25, 2010, in Brisbane, Australia to present a joint paper with IOSEA on sea turtle bycatch.

June 2010
PT Secretariat will participate in the regional workshop of the Pacific Hawksbill Initiative (ICAPO) in Nicaragua from July 13 -14, 2010.

June 2010
7th Meeting of the IAC Scientific Committee will be held from September 1-3, 2010 en Panama. Check back soon for online registration.

March 2010
No. 9 IAC Bulletin, Published by the Pro Tempore Secretary.

March 2010
3rd Meeting of the IAC Consultative Committee of Experts

March 2010
Updates Since the Regional Workshop on the Hawksbill Turtle in the Wider Caribbean and Western Atlantic (Puerto Morelos, 2009)

Marzo 2010
IAC PT Sectretary Goes to TED University