Referencias de instrumentos legales sobre tortugas marinas en los Países Parte:
internacionales de los Países Parte (.pdf)
Resumen de normativas nacionales de Países Parte (.pdf)
El Instituto de Leyes y Políticas de Biodiversidad de la Escuela de Leyes de la Universidad de Stetson ayudó a la Secretaría de la CIT con un proyecto de investigación sobre la legislación nacional de las Partes de la Convención Interamericana para la Protección y Conservación de las Tortugas Marinas.
Argentina (.pdf files):
Belice (.pdf files):
Brasil (.pdf files):
CONAMA, Resolucao 000010,
Law No.6.93-81 and decreate No.
| Decreto No 49.215, de 7 de
Dezembro de 2004
| Federal Regulation, Portaria
IBAMA No 784, 28 May 1990
IBAMA, Federal Law of
Environmental Crimes 9605
| IBAMA, Federal Regulation, Portaria
| Instrucao Normativa Conjunta
No 1 & No 2, de 27 de Maio de
Instrucao Normativa Conjunta
No 1, de 27 de Maio de 2011
| Instrucao Normativa Interministerial
No 11, de 5 de Julho de 2012
| Instrucao Normativa
No 003, de 26 de Maio
de 2003
Instrucao Normativa No 166, de 18
de Julho de 2007
| Portaria IBAMA 45-N, Abril 1992
| Portaria IBAMA 001535,
August 1995
Portaria ICMBio No 135, de
23 de Dezembro de 2010
| Portaria No 1.522, de 19 de
Dezembro de 1989
| Brazil - State Law No. 7034,
February 1997 – BA |
Países Bajos del Caribe (.pdf files):
Decree (P.B. 1992, No. 108) (DUTCH) |
Fisheries Act BES (DUTCH) |
Island Fishery Ordinance of Curacao (A.B. 2007, no. 117) (DUTCH) |
Island Fishery Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1996, no. 01) (DUTCH) |
Island Fishery Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1996, no. 01) (ENGLISH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of Bonaire (A.B. 2001, no. 13) (DUTCH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of Bonaire (A.B. 2001, no. 13) (ENGLISH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1987, no. 10) (DUTCH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of Saba (A.B. 1987, no. 10) (ENGLISH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of St. Eustatius (A.B. 1996, no. 3) (DUTCH) |
Island Marine Environment Ordinance of St. Eustatius (A.B. 1996, no. 3) (ENGLISH) |
Island Nature Conservation Ordinance of St. Maarten (A.B. 2003, no. 25) (DUTCH) |
Island Nature Conservation Ordinance of St. Maarten (A.B. 2003, no. 25) (ENGLISH) |
National Fishery Ordinance (P.B. 1991, no. 74) (DUTCH) |
National Nature Conservation Ordinance (P.B. 1998, No. 49) and changed as per P.B. 2001, No. 41 (DUTCH) |
National Nature Conservation Ordinance (P.B. 1998, No. 49) and changed as per P.B. 2001, No. 41 (ENGLISH) |
Nature Conservation Framework Act BES (DUTCH) |
Reef Management Ordinance of Curacao (A.B. 1976, no. 48) AND Island Decree (A.B. 1998, no. 8) (DUTCH) |
Chile (.pdf files):
Costa Rica (.pdf files):
Biodiversity Law (Law No. 7788, April 30, 1998) |
Decision of the Constitutional Chamber, File No. 12-010016-0007-CO, October 8, 2013 |
Decree No. 35530-MINAET of
August 27, 2009 |
Decree No. 36452-MINAET of March 3, 2011 |
Decree No. 36812-MINAET of January 16, 2012 |
Decree No. 36918-MINAET
of February 7, 2012 |
Executive Decree No. 28203-MINAE-MAG |
Forestry Law (Law No. 7575, February 13, 1996) |
Ley Tortugas Marinas_No. 8325 |
Law 8436, Law of Fisheries and
Aquaculture (published in La Gaceta) |
Law 8436, Law of Fisheries and Aquaculture |
Law of the Creation of National Park Services (Law No. 6084, August 24, 1977) |
Law of the Creation of the Costa Rica
Fisheries and Aquaculture Institute
(INCOPESCA) (Law No. 7384, March 16,1994) |
Law of the Creation of the National Coast Guard Service No. 8000 |
Law of the Maritime Terrestrial Zone (Law No. 6043, March 2, 1977) |
Legislative Decree No. 9106 of
December 20, 2012, Amendments and Additions to the Wildlife Conservation Act, Reforms Act No. 7317, October 30, 1992 |
Organic Law of the Environment (Law No. 7554, October 4, 1995) |
Political Constitution |
Reglamento a la Ley de Conservacion
de la Vida Silvestre No. 32633 |
Soil Use, Management, and Conservation Law (Law No. 7779, April 30, 1998) |
Wildlife Conservation Law (Law No. 7317, October 30, 1992) |
Ecuador (.pdf files):
Guatemala (.pdf files):
Honduras (.pdf files):
México (.pdf files):
Panamá (.pdf files):
Panama - Decree No. 16 of May 7th, 1999 |
Panama - Decree No. 23 of 1967 |
Panama - Decree No. 43 of July 7th, 2004 |
Panama - Decree No. 82 of April 1st, 2005 |
Panama - Decree No. 104 of 1974 |
Panama - Dupwala Resolution No. 8 of November 2006 |
Panama - Law 5 of January 28th, 2005 |
Panama - Law 18 of May 31st, 2007 |
Panama - Law 24 of June 7th, 1995 |
Panama - Law 41 of July 1st, 1998 |
Panama - Law 44 of November 23rd, 2006 |
Panama - Ley 8 del 2008_Aprobación CIT |
Panama - Political Constitution (Articles 116 and 117) |
Panama - Political Constitution (Articles 116 and 117) |
Panama - Resolución N° DM-0031-2017_ Plan de Acción |
Panama - Resolution AG-0095-2009 |
Panama - Resolution AG-0139-2009 |
Panama - Resolution AG-ANAM-0051-2008 |
Panama - Resolution No. 002-80 |
Panama - Resolution No. 092 of August 12th, 2010 |
Panama - Resuelto ARAP No. 01 of January 29th, 2008 |
Panama - Resuelto ARAP No. 003 of November 18th, 2009 |
Perú (.pdf files):
Estados Unidos (.pdf files):
Uruguay (.pdf files):
Venezuela (.pdf files):
Coastal Zone Law (G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.349 of 19-12-2001) |
Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (G.O.R.B.V. No. 5.453 Extraordinary on 24-03-2000) |
Decree No. 1.485, G.O.R.V. No. 36.059 of 11-09-1996 |
Decree No. 1.486, G.O.R.V. No. 36.062 of 11-09-1996) |
Decree No. 5.930, G.O.R.B.V. No. 5.877 del 14 de Marzo de 2008 |
Fisheries and Aquiculture Law (G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.727 of 08-07-2003) (REPEALED) |
Law of Biological Diversity (G.O.R.B.V. No. 5.468 Extraordinary on 24-05-2000) (REPEALED) |
Law of Management of Biodiversity (G.O.R.B.V. No. 39.070 del 1 de Diciembre de 2008) |
Ley Organica de los Espacios Acuaticos (Gaceta Oficial Extraordinaria No. 5.890, 31 de julio de 2008) (repealed G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.330) |
Organic Law of Aquatic and Insular Spaces (G.O.R.B.V. No. 37.330 on 22-11-2001) (REPEALED) |
Organic Law of the Environment, G.O.R.V. No. 18-06-1976 (1976 Version) |
Organic Law of the Environment, G.O.R.V. No. 18-06-1976 (2006 Version) |
Penal Law of the Environment (G.O.R.V. No. 4.358 Extraordinary on 03-01-1992) (Gaceta Oficial) |
Penal Law of the Environment (G.O.R.V. No. 4.358 Extraordinary on 03-01-1992) |
Resolucion del Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente, mediante la cual se rige el Comite Nacional RAMSAR, N0. 0000049 |
Resolucion del Ministerio del Poder Popular para el Ambiente, No. 0000043-A |
Wildlife Protection Law, G.O.R.V. No. 29.289 on 11-08-1970 |
La Secretaría Pro Tempore de la CIT agradece enormemente el apoyo recibido de los estudiantes y profesores de la Universidad de Stetson.